26 Purple Houseplants
Purple houseplants are popular, because of their unique appearance and exotic and luxurious vibe. There are quite a few of these purple indoor plants that are easy to grow and suitable for beginners and experienced gardeners.
Some of the purple indoor plants are fully purple, while purple stripes, dots, and veins. Mother Nature didn’t save on creativity when making these plants! You can find them in all purple shades and with different textures, from glossy to velvety!
Get ready for the best lift of purple indoor plants to start growing ASAP!

#1 Purple Queen
The Purple Queen, Purple Heart, or botanically Tradescantia pallida is a spiderwort plant that enjoys full sun exposure. However, it can survive in partial shade, but the colors and spread won’t be as rich as if you provide it full sun. The plant has stunning deep purple foliage, with an attractive purple flower in the center.
The Purple Queen is as delicate as it is beautiful. Therefore, an ideal location is a hanging basket, where the plant will be safe from accidental bumps!
Find out more about Purple Queen!
#2 Persian Shield
Strobilanthes dyeriana, Persian Shield, or Royal Purple plant comes from Myanmar and has deep purple foliage. It is a low-maintenance plant, relatively resistant to pests and disease, but very beautiful in every setting. Persian Shield has lance-shaped leaves that turn purple with an iridescent silver sheen, like no other plant in nature.
During the blooming season, the plant develops small, funner-shaped violet flowers. Unfortunately, the flowers blend in the purple foliage, but they give the plant a fuller look.
Find out more interesting information on the Persian Shield plant!
#3 Wandering Jew
Tradescantia zebrina is a plant known as Wandering Jew or Inch plant. It is a spiderwort plant type with deep green heart-shaped leaves.
The foliage has purple stripes which add the structure to the plant.
The plant is a very popular household plant because it doesn’t require complex care and looks beautiful.
It is a relatively fast-growing plant. There are several beautiful varieties, so you can learn more about them to find the one that suits your needs and preferences.
Check out the most common Wandering Jew varieties.
#4 Purple Oxalis
Oxalis Triangularis needs rich and well-draining soil. The ideal watering frequency depends on the plant itself. You should water only when the top layer in the pot becomes dry. Also, the key to keeping your Purple Oxalis healthy is to use fertilizer at least once a month.
The plant will thrive in bright light and warm indoor temperatures!
Find out what the ideal indoor growing conditions of Purple Oxalis are!
#5 Prayer Plant
There are several plants known as the Prayer plant. The Maranta leuconeura is a perfect compact purple plant because it doesn’t grow tall.
It has wide leaves in different shades of green with purple veins and undersides. The plant curls in the night when you can enjoy the deep purple shade of the foliage.
It is easy to pot and care for, and the plants mix well with other decorative household plants.
Find out how the Maranta leuconeura got the name!
#6 Purple Passion
The Purple Passion plant is a truly stunning indoor plant. The scientific name is Gynura Aurantiaca, and the plant is easily recognizable by its velvety foliage and thick hairs.
The younger the plant, the deeper the velvety purple leaves are! For some people, the plant might look spooky, but it is definitely a conversation starter!
Read more about how to care for the Purple Passion plant to make it grow to its full potential!
Learn how to propagate the Purple Passion plant! Watch the video:
#7 Purple Waffle Plant
The Purple Waffle plant or Hemigraphis alternata is a popular indoor and terrarium plant. It has small and glossy leaves, with bright purple edges and undersides. The plant is different from the Hemigraphis colorata variety, a standard potted household plant with larger leaves and the same color scheme. Both plants are beautiful and easy to grow.
Here is what you need to know before you bring the Purple Waffle plant to your home!
#8 Coleus
There are plenty of Coleus cultivars, including the purple one. In general, Coleus grows well in containers and indoors and is famous for its ornamental foliage. The purple Coleus comes in the dark purple shade with a slightly brighter center of the leaves.
You can put the container on the patio or balcony during warm summer months but keep it away from direct sunlight, which may burn the leaves.
Learn how to grow any Coleus cultivar!
#9 Rex Begonia
Mature Begonia rex-cultorum or shortly Rex Begonia have leaves longer than six inches. The leaves have unique green-purple color fusion and are the most stunning part of the plant.
Rex Begonia does bloom, but the flowers are not very attractive. Therefore, many people pinch the flowers to make the stunning foliage stand out even more!
Read more about the Rex Begonia plant!
#10 Sweet Caroline Potato Vine
The Ornamental Ipomoea batatas plant is known under its common name – Sweet Caroline Potato Vine. The plant stays low, around eight inches, but spreads a lot. The maximum spread you can expect of the plant is around five feet.
The plant is actually a fast grower. If you are interested in growing purple plants, pick the variety, Sweet Caroline Raven.
Can you eat ornamental Sweet Potato vine? Click here to find out!
#11 Ti Plant
Cordyline fruticosa or Ti Plant has attractive multi-colored leaves. Shades of green and purple dominate the long and narrow foliage. The centers of the leaves are bright yellow, and the plant grows in the form of a small shrub. Its almost rainbow appearance makes the Ti plant very attractive and popular among interior designers.
For the plant to stay healthy, you’ll have to ensure warm temperatures, frequent foliage misting, and a balanced fertilizer during the growing season.
Here is a detailed guide on how to care for the Ti plant!
Fool-proof guide to taking care of Ti plant:
#12 Caladium
Each Caladium variety is attractive, but the purple one is the most stunning of them all. The plant has heart-shaped leaves, with purple in the center and green borders.
Caladium is also one of the few purple plants that bloom during the entire summer! The variety Elephant ear is my favorite!
Find out more about purple Caladium!
#13 Silver Squill
Ledebouria socialis or Silver Squill is a lovely bulbous plant. The teardrop-shaped bulbs are small and appear along thin stems. These tiny bulbs are purple and collect moisture, so the plant is drought-tolerant. Moreover, the leaves are green with silver spots and deep purple undersides.
Discover more about this intriguing plant!
#14 Cyclamen
Cyclamen purpurascens is an easy-to-grow indoor plant. The only thing to keep in mind when growing purple Cyclamen is to keep them away from the heat sources, such as the radiator, AC unit, and sunny window. When exposed to warmth the plant will go dormant.
When the conditions become optimal again, you can expect your plant to bloom one more time!
Find out everything about the Cyclamen plant!
#15 Echeveria
Purple Pearl is a purple variety of Echeveria, a rosette-shaped succulent with fleshy foliage. The plant is easy to grow, and only requires moderate care once established. It is easy to combine with other succulents and makes a focal point in any plant display.
Even though it is a compact plant, purple Echeveria is an eye-catching item in every gardener’s collection.
Learn how to take care of your purple Echeveria.
#16 Ruby’s Necklace
Othonna capensis is a scientific name of Ruby’s Necklace plant, a trailing succulent. The plant looks most attractive when you plant it in a hanging basket.
Next, Ruby’s Necklace isn’t prone to pests and diseases and requires less care than other succulents. However, it enjoys moisture and needs frequent watering.
The plant belongs to the daisy family and has purple-green foliage.
Discover all important information about Ruby’s Necklace.
#17 Purple Sword
Alocasia lauterbachiana is a beautiful, but poisonous plant. It has long and sturdy leaves with long stems. The plant has unique and colorful leaves with wavy borders.
This ornamental plant has purple leaves undersides and adds more structure to your plant display. Most commonly, the plant gets around three feet tall in the mature age. It needs a lot of light but preferably filtered.
Check out more useful tips for growing Purple Sword in your home!
#18 Rubber Tree
The Ficus elastica or Burgundy variety of the rubber tree, features thick and shiny, rich leaves with a purple sheen. The plant is one of the most popular indoor plants ever. It is because of the impact it has in the indoor setting and moderately complex care.
Ficus elastica is an adaptable plant. It likes indirect light, but it can tolerate shade as well!
You can also mist the foliage to keep them healthy. Because Ficus elastica is a tropical plant, it thrives in high humidity! Misting the plant keeps the humidity at an optimal level and prevents pests.
Read more about proper Ficus elastica care.
#19 African Milk Bush
African Milk Bush, more specifically, Euphorbia bicompacta var. rubra is a lovely flowering plant. It thrives in full sun exposure but may tolerate partial shade. The plant has ornamental foliage and lime-green, brown leaves with purple blotches.
This evergreen plant has tiny flowers.
It is easy to grow because the plant is drought-tolerant and hardy!
Is African Milk Bush succulent? Click here and find out!
#20 Tiger Stripes Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe humilis is better known as Kalanchoe Tiger Stripes. It is an easy-to-grow succulent with distinctive foliage. The leaves are deep-green, purplish with light stripes.
The plant needs moderate watering and warm indoor temperatures. It is an ornamental plant you can grow from seeds or cuttings.
Discover the complete care guide of the Kalanchoe humilis!
Check out the most beautiful Kalanchoe varieties, including the purple ones:
#21 Purple Vanda Orchid
Vanda Orchid is a blue-violet Orchid, a beautiful cultivar that isn’t easy to find, because of its popularity. The plant is fragrant and thrives in tropical conditions. It is native to New Guinea, so the ideal conditions for the plant are warm temperatures, high humidity, and a lot of light.
Read more about conditions in the native habitat of the Purple Vanda Orchid!
#22 Christmas Cactus
Schlumbergera isn’t a purple plant per se, but it commonly transforms into a purple plant because of nutrient deficiency. It is a low-maintenance plant that can adapt to various conditions. During the purple phase, your Cactus can completely turn purple or have splotches of color on the fleshy foliage.
Also, if you keep your Christmas cactus in the dark, it is most likely to turn purple until you bring it back to the light! Christmas cactus is the only plant that looks attractive even when stressed!
Find out more about the Christmas cactus problem!
#23 Pilea
Pileas are generally easy houseplants to grow. The plants are popular for their variegated leaves and unique textures.
Pilea grows well as a tabletop plant, but you can also use it to accentuate the group of plants in the corners. Some people also grow Pilea in terrariums and hanging baskets!
Pilea involucrata Friendship is my favorite cultivar, with deep brown-purple leaves. It is also one of the best gifts to give to a friend!
Check out all popular Pilea varieties suitable for indoor conditions!
#24 Iron-Cross Begonia
Begonia masoniana is called Iron-Cross Begonia because of the attractive dark purple cross in the center of each leaf. The plant has large and oval leaves and produces beautiful white and pinkish flowers in the summer.
The plant is native to China. It thrives in warm temperatures and high humidity.
Find out how to take care of your Iron-Cross Begonia!
Experts shares the tips about Iron-Cross Begonia. Watch the video below to know:
#25 Polka Dot Plant
Hypoestes phyllostachya or Polka Dot plant is a statement indoor plant because of the stunning ornamental foliage. The plant has large leaves, spotted with purple and pink.
It is a perfect indoor plant because Polka Dot is native to tropical areas. Therefore, it enjoys warm temperatures.
The plant is compact, so it makes a great apartment plant!
Here is how to ensure good care for your Polka Dot plant!
#26 Royal Flush
Pleiospilos nelii or Royal Flush is a tiny, charming bright purple succulent. The plant grows only up to three inches! The Royal Flush succulent is one of the more challenging ones to maintain.
You’ll have to observe the plant to match the needs of it for water and sun. The ideal humidity is from condensation, so a bathroom might be the ideal location for the Royal Flush succulent.
Find out how to take care of the tiny purple succulent!
Purple Plants Signalizes Royalty and Luxury
Purple plants look appealing in almost every environment. There are plenty of shrubs and outdoor plants with purple foliage and flowers. Luckily, if you are looking for a purple indoor plant, you’ve got a great choice to make! There are stunning purple houseplants of all sizes and all maintenance levels!
My favorite is the Purple Passion plant! What about you? Which one from my list will you grow in your home?
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